Chart Invalidation during Zoom - how to deprecate?

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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Chart Invalidation during Zoom - how to deprecate?

Post by Natalia » Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:57 pm

We have an issue with TeeChart.Net control. The design of our application is the following: the data for chart resides on the server. Each time user scrolls/zooms the chart, application calculates the portion of the data and requests it from server through WEB service call.
For the zoom we handle TeeChart.OnZoom event, get X axis Min and Max and call the server. The problem is that during .Net implementation of WEB service call, the application window continues to get messages from its queue and it invalidates chart because of the zoom before we get new data from the server. Then new data comes and we invalidate the chart with new data.
This way we get 2 consequent invalidates with different data (while zooming data comes from server with higher resolution).

Is there any way to deprecate chart invalidation during zoom? If not we'd like to request adding of such feature into TeeChart control. We need some property ( for example, BlockInvalidate) to block chart invalidation. If it is set to true, chart does not draw itself in any case, if - false chart works as usual.

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