Using Delphi 7 Pro and Teechart 7.07:
Values are added to a histogram by these lines (simplified here):
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function TGraph.HistogramSeries(DataVector, LabelVector; ColorFunc: TSeriesColorFunction): THistogramSeries;
i: integer;
result := THistogramSeries.create(nil);
// Values are added like this:
for i := 1 to DataVector.Length do
The function correctly adds the value points, but the problem is that the axis in this form is not drawn nicely with regular intervals. The histogram demands as the labelvector a string, such that if we try to define a proper tick mark separation by calling a function with the desired tick mark distance (increment), then
.... call function with "Value", e.g. 5:
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// Force calculation of min and max!
min := Axis.Minimum;
max := Axis.Maximum;
Axis.Automatic := false;
Axis.SetMinMax(Axis.Minimum, Axis.Maximum); //
Axis.SetMinMax(Min, Max); // Axis.SetMinMax(min, max);
Axis.Increment := Value;
What happens then is that the bottom axis goes from 0 to number of bins, and with tick marks at 0 5 10 15 etc., whereas the data were e.g. 17, 19,22, 24 etc.
In short:
How can I draw a histogram where the bottom axis is considered numerical and not categorical. Keeping it numerical is essential for drawing the correct distance btw. points in the histogram.