Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:51 am
I miss a fast interpolation function that can interpolate an Y-value along the series, even if the X-value is between two X-points in a series.
Both linear and logarithmic interpolationshould be available.
Seriespoint 1: X=30, Y=40
Seriespoint 2: X=250, Y=50
What is the Y value at X=100 for that series?
Function Interpolate(A as TChartSeries, X as long, Linear as boolean) as long
Both linear and logarithmic interpolationshould be available.
Seriespoint 1: X=30, Y=40
Seriespoint 2: X=250, Y=50
What is the Y value at X=100 for that series?
Function Interpolate(A as TChartSeries, X as long, Linear as boolean) as long