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Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:51 am
by 6919485
I miss a fast interpolation function that can interpolate an Y-value along the series, even if the X-value is between two X-points in a series.
Both linear and logarithmic interpolationshould be available.

Seriespoint 1: X=30, Y=40
Seriespoint 2: X=250, Y=50
What is the Y value at X=100 for that series?

Function Interpolate(A as TChartSeries, X as long, Linear as boolean) as long


Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:13 pm
by 9340187
I agree with you completely. They should have more support here. Since
we are in the signal processing business, we would be interested in
support not only for the usual interpolation, but one with
the usual sp windowing functions to miniomize aliasing.
