Large Cursor
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:34 pm
Is there anyway to implement a large cross hair cursor ?
Steema Software - Customer Support Forums
Think of the small system crosshair cursor but extend the cross from bottom to top and from left to right of the chart.Pep wrote:Hi Hans,
I'm not sure what you mean, if you are referencing to the width of the Cursor the you can do the following (using the CursorTool) :
TChart1.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Pen.Width = 5
Josep Lluis Jorge
Code: Select all
Private Sub TChart1_OnMouseMove(ByVal Shift As TeeChart.EShiftState, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
With TChart1
If X >= .Axis.Left.Position And _
X <= .Axis.Right.Position And _
Y >= .Axis.Top.Position And _
Y <= .Axis.Bottom.Position Then
TChart1.Cursor = -1
TChart1.Cursor = 21
End If
End With
End Sub