Steema Issues Database

Note: This database is for bugs and wishes only. For technical support help, if you are a customer please visit our online forums;
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Before using this bug-tracker we recommend a look at this document, Steema Bug Fixing Policy.

Sun Oct 13 2024 19:26:44 EDT
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
698 VCL TeeC Axis yeray RESO FIXE axis increment strange when really smaller than the axis range 2023-01-11
2557 VCL TeeC Tools yeray RESO FIXE Holes of some characters are filled when using the TText3DTool 2022-10-03
2564 VCL TeeC Axis yeray RESO FIXE Wrong axis size in logarithmic axis 2022-10-26
2565 VCL TeeC Axis yeray RESO FIXE Axis labels not drawn when the series hasn't labels and axis LabelStyle is talText 2022-11-07
2575 VCL TeeC Tools yeray RESO FIXE Access Violation after deleting a TRectangleTool with the editor that was opened with the tool's OnDoubleClick 2022-12-07
2578 VCL TeeC Editors yeray RESO FIXE "Operation not allowed on sorted list" when opening the Alternate Gallery on Lazarus 2022-12-19
2584 VCL TeeC Series yeray RESO FIXE OnClickSeries event not fired when having two TBarSeries in 3D 2023-01-23
7 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "VCL TeeChart" product