Steema Issues Database

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Before using this bug-tracker we recommend a look at this document, Steema Bug Fixing Policy.

Sat Oct 12 2024 09:48:40 EDT
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22 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
841 VCL TeeC Series yeray RESO FIXE In regular or Irregular ColorGrid series, the axes scales aren’t calculated 2022-01-21
2429 VCL TeeC Other Co yeray RESO FIXE German localization s broken. I dont know how to fix this myself. CHeck the attached screenshots. 2021-10-14
2445 VCL TeeC Series yeray RESO FIXE Marks.OnTop not persistent 2021-10-11
2477 VCL TeeC TTree yeray RESO FIXE OnShowHint does not work 2021-11-05
2408 VCL TeeC Chart yeray RESO FIXE Clean warnings with Delphi 10.1 Berlin 64bit 2021-10-13
2430 FireMonk Export yeray RESO FIXE Export to Metafile doesn't work on FMX 2022-09-27
2431 VCL TeeC Tools yeray RESO FIXE Shape corners not being serialized 2021-10-11
2463 VCL TeeC Axis yeray RESO FIXE EInvalidPointer "Invalid pointer operation" exception when trying to remove a custom label from an axis 2021-10-08
2474 VCL TeeC Export yeray RESO FIXE Export SubTitle and SubFooter to Javascript 2021-10-27
2476 VCL TeeC Export yeray RESO FIXE Export to Javascript changes axis datetime format 2021-10-27
2478 VCL TeeC Export yeray RESO FIXE XValues change when exporting to Javascript 2021-10-28
2480 VCL TeeC Axis yeray RESO FIXE Assigning TAxisItems Automatic property 2021-11-02
2481 VCL TeeC Canvas yeray RESO FIXE Images with transparency not drawn correctly in Pointers when not Orthogonal chart 2021-11-05
2486 FireMonk Editors yeray RESO FIXE Some empty components in Shape series editor 2021-11-24
2491 VCL TeeC Series yeray RESO FIXE ErrorPointSeries drawing wrong errors in logarithmic axes 2021-12-15
2492 FireMonk Editors yeray RESO FIXE Tools and Tools.Gallery editors broken in Alexandria 2021-12-15
2493 FireMonk Chart yeray RESO FIXE Dragging a component over a chart doesn't show the icon of the operation set at DragOver event 2021-12-15
2495 VCL TeeC Series yeray RESO FIXE Changing Marks angle individually does nothing 2021-12-21
2496 VCL TeeC Axis yeray RESO FIXE Assign chart doesn't copy individual axis items format 2021-12-24
2497 VCL TeeC Axis yeray RESO FIXE TChart's SeriesUp changes TChartAxis' IsDateTime result 2022-01-04
2499 VCL TeeC Export yeray RESO FIXE Export MarksTipTool to SVG 2022-01-14
2501 VCL TeeC Legend yeray RESO FIXE Legend checkboxes not scaling correctly when Display is set to 150% or more 2022-01-20
22 bugs found.
