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TeeChart for Javascript renders charts in 3D mode using WebGL and the Three.js library.

Current status of WebGL browser support: Can I use WebGL ?


Basic minimal example
Extended example
Geo Maps in 3D
Surface 3D XYZ

Steps to create a 3D chart:

Include Three.js scripts:

 <script src="three.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 <script src="helvetiker_regular.typeface.js"<>/script>

Include TeeChart scripts:
 <script src="teechart.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 <script src="teechart-3d.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Create a Tee.Three context, charts and series:

  // Create 3D WebGL context:
  var three  = new Tee.Three("canvas1");

  // Create Chart:
  var Chart1 = new Tee.Chart(three);

  // Add Bar series to Chart:
  Chart1.addSeries(new Tee.Bar([5,3,2,7,1]));

Add the following code:
  // Test for valid WebGL context:

  if (three.isEnabled()) {
    // Show message to user (tell WebGL is not available in this browser) :
    // (Note: This requires adding the Detector.js script, see below).

    // Disable WebGL and use HTML5 2D Canvas instead:
    three.setEnabled(false, Chart1);

  // Loop:
  function animate() {
    requestAnimationFrame( animate );
At page body, add an HTML canvas element:
 <canvas id="canvas1" width=800 height=500></canvas>

Optional scripts:

To detect if browser supports WebGL:
 <script src="Detector.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

To enable mouse drag rotation and wheel zoom:  <script src="TrackballControls.js"></script>